RiskTaker Products is constantly designing and coming up with new products specifically for the cross kart industry and enthusiasts. With our ability to Design, rapid prototype and CNC machine in-house custom crosskarts, we will assure that you will be happy with our American Made Products.
Welcome to the RTX-0

Performance & Speed, Without Premium Cost
We want the RTX-1 to be the thrill-seekers dream when it comes to speed and performance, without the premium cost. We started from the ground up with our own designed chassis, tested by real users on their own stomping grounds.
Looking to build it yourself? You can now buy full digital plans for the RTX-0 in our shop!

This digital download product provides fabricators with a precise layout of the chassis, 3D modeling and visualization capabilities, and accurate construction methods. Fabricators can take advantage of these features to save time and resources while producing high-quality results!
The RTX-0 project kit will come with all the tubing pre-bent along with CNC cut copes. We will provide a custom layout and enough of our UniBlocks to help with the alignment of mainframe rails as a great starting point not to mention having a great set of tools for future fabrications! Join our support and efforts to bring these wild cross karts to track near you!